What if the Rejection Reason – Duplicates?

To ensure Good Content Quality on our platform for both Buyers & Sellers we do not allow duplicate Ads posting.

For your better understanding let us define Duplicate posting for you:

1) An exact copy of the same Ad already exists on the site/same Ad is posted within 30 days.

2) The description or title in the Ad coincides with another live Ad.
3) The same Ad is posted in different cities.                   

What to do if your Ad gets rejected?

We would be happy to revive your ad when you remove all duplicate Ads to ensure it complies with our policy.

To stay on top of the listings on MSS and sell your item 10 Times Faster, why not try MSS Featured Ad. To get more information visit Featured Ads FAQ’s

For any support regarding your ads you may call our helpline 0333-289-0101

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